
Grocery Stipends, Mental Health Hours, and Pet Paternity Leave: The Top Pandemic Perks Companies Are Offering Now

2023-07-11T16:03:51-07:00September 7th, 2020|COVID-19, HR, Newsletter, Workplace|

One easy way to determine what perks are best suited to your team's needs in the current climate is to ask your employees. That could yield unexpected results: With pet adoptions on the rise, some companies have opted to pay adoption fees or grant "pet paternity leave." Others have paid for Netflix subscriptions, matched employee donations to racial-justice organizations or Covid-related charities, or even given out stock options.

Tis the Season for Office Holiday Parties

2024-04-05T07:35:03-07:00December 4th, 2019|Legal|

December is packed with office parties and long festive lunches. Many of these parties involve the consumption of alcohol. And while we want our employees to enjoy themselves, we also know that over consumption of alcohol can quickly lead to problems. As employers, we are obligated to make sure the workplace is safe; this extends to venues and gatherings occurring offsite and after hours.

October 2019: Legal Buzz

2024-04-05T07:35:03-07:00November 7th, 2019|Legal|

According to the Employment Standards Act of BC, non-management employees are entitled to receive 1 ½ times their regular pay after 8 hours a day or after 40 hours a week. They are entitled to double their regular pay after 12 hours a day. (Note: The law permits for averaging agreements but they must be compliant with the legislation.)

September 2019: Legal Buzz

2024-04-05T07:35:01-07:00October 28th, 2019|Legal|

Do you have salaried employees or employees who work the same number of hours each day? Employers are often surprised to hear that they have an obligation to keep a daily record of hours, even for people whose hours don’t fluctuate.

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